Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by (Comrade) Inugo

I'm not trying to push my luck here, but I ascribe to the idea of "listening" to what ones body tells you it needs and wants and I'm pleased to read that many of the simple things you suggest are the same things my body tells me it wants day after day.

As for Capsaicin, that has been a hobby of mine this past year as I grew ghost peppers from seed even though most of the peppers ended up being tabasco hybrid plants, but boy were they profligate (edit:

ha, ha - I mean prolific) and I saved almost all the peppers in a concentrate that I jarred for future use. Ghost Peppers, tobasco, cayenne, banana, jalapeno, and others all mixed together gloriously with vinegar salt and tomato concentrate - it is easy to grow this if your soil is fertile and well taken care of with diligence and love. My friend gave me the ghost pepper seeds and at first I complained about the prolific tobasco peppers, but now I appreciate them for what they were and next year I will grow them again.

Of the other items on your list, I enjoy grapes just about every day and that includes natural grapes in the morning usually with breakfast and grapes via wine both white and red on many days I won't deny. I am a big fan of almonds and enjoy pistachios as well.

One time, when I was on a job near Bakersfield CA we went to the Wonderful factory cafeteria (literally), and let me tell you that place was nice! All the trees, the almond ones and pistachio ones as well were nearby. If memory serves, but maybe it doesn't that was the same trip where we met with the fella who had a guacamole farm (avocados) - there is big money in that little did I know.

Like I said - I listen to my body and I trust it to tell me what it wants. Today I want some resolution, but I don't always get what I want.

Keep it coming and I'll study up on this - it is appreciated......I think solutions is what we need because a lot of harm has been sent out and caused and there must be remedy. There just must be.

Sometimes the best remedy though is Justified Retribution if you know what I mean.

Best to you and I'll try to stay abreast of this and that.


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Big fan of our microbiome health and probiotics...

Ever ferment your peppers and then make hot sauce? Been doing this for years and think that this may be the cure all for everything. Maybe I will do a fermenting post one day!

On another interesting note: ghost peppers (and other hot peppers) were used by many ancient cultures as salves to rub into sore or inflamed areas. It works. (side discussion - pretty sure Tiger Balm is a bunch of peppers and essential oils?)

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Well, I can tell you this. When I made up my 2nd big batch of the season (this past August I think it was), I put the concentrate in a container (it was a plastic container I admit, a gallon jug, but it was made of plastic able to store peppa proper), and I was fortunate to notice a small leak from the bottom after several weeks of storage, and good for me that I did, because evidently fermentation had commenced. As a chemical engineer and a one-time serious home-brewer, I'm very familiar with fermentation and aware that it increases pressure in the container if the CO2 ain't got a "way out".....needless to say, when I opened the lid, a bit of that concentrate sprayed about the kitchen....but then I got four quart glass jars and transferred the contents.....I believe that concentrate in each of the 4 jars would be enough to make well over 1000 containers of peppa sauce that would be right tasty. I should add that when I made the mixture initially, my wife and I had to evacuate the home (ha, ha) due to the potent peppa vapors that got airborne!


I'm still working on my growing plans and trying to figure out all these hyrbid seeds and whatnot, but I plan on having a seriously concentrated peppa concoction for sale one day that I will call "Ken's hot Peppa Spray" - I want to be multi-functional. I mean you could spray just a few sprays of this stuff into the soup to give it a little spice, or alternatively, if somebody is behaving offensively towards you with intent to harm, you could spray it towards them as an act of defense! Nothing wrong with multi-functional products especially if they come from crops you grew with love in your own garden.




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Ken's Cure-All Peppa Spray - strong enough to kill an elephant.

Sign me up for order number one! It sounds awesome.

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by (Comrade) Inugo

Excellent and much needed, thank you!

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Mar 14, 2023Liked by (Comrade) Inugo

Great remedies on here...thank you. I placed them into my notes.

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